
Parallel Processing in PAMpal

Parallel Processing in PAMpal

As of version 1.4.0, processPgDetections can benefit from parallel processing using the future package framework. This requires a small amount of setup on the user’s end, and does have some potential drawbacks, but can greatly reduce the amount of time required to process really large datasets.

Parallel Processing Basics

First, a very brief and basic intro on roughly how this works. Most modern computer processors now come with multiple (usually many!) processing cores, but by default R will only use one at a time. You may have noticed this if you have the Task Manager open while processing a large dataset with R, often the CPU usage will not rise above a fairly low percent even if it sounds like your computer is working hard. This is because it takes specialized code to make use of the extra processing power.

Generally this works by breaking up a larger task into smaller independent pieces that can be sent off to the different cores to be processed in parallel. For PAMpal this task is loading and applying processing functions to binary file data. However, an important point is that using multiple cores for processing requires a certain amount of overhead. New R sessions must be created on the other cores, and all relevant data and functions have to be passed to those cores before the processing can happen. There is additional overhead in managing all the work of sending data back and forth between the cores as they complete their tasks. So, more cores means faster processing but it also means more memory and more fixed overhead.

The important thing you need to know for this is that parallel processing will not be significantly faster for smaller tasks, and using lots of cores can use up all of your memory.

Parallel Processing in Practice

Okay, so how do we actually make it happen? Lucky for us, the future framework (specifically the future.apply package) makes it really easy. The premise of the package is that the end user should always decide what kind of processing to use, since different users and different environments will have different resources available. We tell future what kind of processing we want to do using the plan function.

Calling plan() will tell you what the current mode is (sequential means the normal processing you always use).

## sequential:
## - args: function (..., envir = parent.frame())
## - tweaked: FALSE
## - call: NULL

To use parallel processing, we use multisession, and we need to tell it how many cores we want to use. availableCores will tell us how many our computer has available.

## system 
##     14

Then we can set workers to some number less than or equal to that. Remember that more cores means more memory used, so we may not want to use all of them

## multisession:
## - args: function (..., workers = 8, envir = parent.frame())
## - tweaked: TRUE
## - call: plan(multisession(workers = 8))

Now we can just process our data like normal using the regular PAMpal functions. One important note is that progress bars do not work when parallel processing, so you will see it stuck at zero until it finishes. But it should hopefully finish much faster than before! Also for small to medium projects using mode='db' there is likely only a small difference between parallel and regular processing due to the overhead incurred, so this is really most valuable for mode='recording' and mode='time'.

data <- processPgDetections(pps, mode='recording')

Once you are done, you need to reset your plan back to sequential to free up all the memory that was being used for the multiple-core processing



It works like this:

plan(multisession(workers=min(availableCores(), 8))) # 8 is an arbitrary number I picked
data <- processPgDetections(pps, mode='recording')