
Creating Events by Start and End Times

Rather than using Pamguard’s built in tools, it is also possible to specify events for your data using start and end times. To process your data this way, run processPgDetections with mode = 'time' and provide the event time data in the grouping argument. In this case all detections in the binary files between the start and end times will be included in your data.

Minimum Requirements

Event times can be provided either as a csv file or as a dataframe that is already loaded into R. In either case there are three required columns for each event: start, end, and id. The start and end columns must contain these times in UTC since this is the time that Pamguard works with, and the id column will be the id name for that event, these should be unique. Times can overlap, and you can specify as many events as you like.

NOTE: PAMpal needs the times to be in POSIXct, and will try to convert character dates appropriately. This can be tricky, especially when reading from csv files (Excel has a fun habit of automatically changing your date formatting). You can either do this conversion yourself first in R (if supplying a dataframe), or use the format argument to specify how the dates should be converted. If PAMpal tries to convert the date using format, it will print out the start time of your first event and ask you to confirm that it has been converted correctly. See ?strptime for more details on how format should be specified.

NOTE: The id column should not be used for species id, it should be a unique id to label each event. See below for species identification.

Optional Columns

There are also three optional columns you can provide: species, db, and sr. The species column is simply used to assign a species id to a specific event, if it is known (this is entirely optional).

The db and sr columns are slightly more complicated, and usually do not need to be provided manually. PAMpal uses the Pamguard database to match the appropriate sample rate to a detection based on the time of the detection. Since you can add multiple databases to one study, PAMpal needs to sort out which databases belong to which events.

It will attempt to do this based on the times of the events and the times in the Sound_Acquisition table of the databases (this is currently the only table that has any relevant time information), and if it isn’t able to sort it out you will be prompted to select which event belongs to which database (this will happen if you have two databases with overlapping time coverage, for example). If no database matches an event (rare), then you will also be asked to supply the sample rate (in hertz) to use for all detections in that event.

PAMpal will save all of these database and samplerate selections, and the full grouping dataframe used is stored in your resulting AcousticStudy object. You can take a look, with the following code:

myStudy <- processPgDetections(myPps, mode='time', grouping=myGrouping)

And if you need to run this same data again in the future you can provide this grouping file to avoid having to select databases again:

newStudy <- processPgDetections(myPps, mode='time', grouping=ancillary(myStudy)$grouping)

All Other Columns

Any other columns in your event grouping file will not be used for anything by PAMpal, but they will be stored with the AcousticStudy object in case there is other useful information there you wish to keep. The entire row of the grouping file for each event is stored in the ancillary slot of each AcousticEvent, similar to how the full grouping dataframe is stored in the AcousticStudy.

# This is just the relevant row for the first event
oneEventGrouping <- ancillary(myStudy[[1]])$grouping

One example of why you might want to do this is with the dataframe created by the readSpecAnno function from the PAMmisc package. This function reads in the Spectrogram Annotation tables from a database, and these tables contain frequency bounds fmin and fmax for your annotated boxes. When using this table to processPgDetections with mode='time', the frequency limits are not used to filter out detections outside of that frequency range, but you can access them later and use PAMpal’s filter function to remove detections outside those frequency ranges if desired.

# This contains columns id, start, and end by default
sa <- readSpecAnno(db)
myStudy <- processPgDetections(myPps, mode='time', grouping=sa)
# Now we can use the stored grouping information to filter
filtStudy <- myStudy
for(i in seq_along(events(filtStudy))) {
    # Read out the grouping info for each event, which has fmin and fmax
    thisGrouping <- ancillary(filtStudy[[i]])$grouping
    # Filter using whistle detection parameters freqBeg and freqEnd (Hz)
    # and click detections using peak (kHz)
    filtStudy[[i]] <- filter(filtStudy[[i]],
                            freqBeg > thisGrouping$fmin,
                            freqBeg < thisGrouping$fmax,
                            freqEnd > thisGrouping$fmin,
                            freqBeg < thisGrouping$fmax,
                            peak > thisGrouping$fmin / 1e3,
                            peak < thisGrouping$fmax / 1e3,
                            UTC + duration < thisGrouping$end)